The journey to buying a home in NW Indiana

An abbreviated buyer’s consultation.


Steps to buying a new home.


01 —What is your WHY?

Is this your first home purchase, do you need more space, are you downsizing, etc.? Knowing your reason for buying and holding it dear to you even if things seem overwhelming will help you whether the whirlwind that home buying sometimes can be.

02 — Are you buying with cash or with a loan?

If you are getting a loan, its imperative that you talk to a great lender first. They will talk different loan packages, down payment options, and pull your credit so that you know what your maximum spending limit is as well as a range of what you feel comfortable spending.

03 — Time to talk to a realtor.

Although we all have to pass the same exams to be a professional real estate agent, we all come from an array of backgrounds. Additionally, we are all humans. A buyer’s agent is FREE to you so interview us. See who educates you on the process so you know what to expect as well as see who’s personality you will mesh with the best. The next couple months we will be in contact often.

04 — House Hunting!

Once you have chosen the realtor you want to work with, it’s time to talk must haves and areas you desire to live. From there your agent can set you up on a search of homes from which you choose which homes you want to see in person. (Professional photographers are magicians at showing best aspects of homes, but nothing beats walking through a space in person)

05 — Submitting the offer

In the step 3 phase, you and your realtor should discuss how the market is looking in your price range and strategize a plan once you find the home you want to offer on. Depending on the market, you may have some back and forth negotiations as well as lose out on an offer. This is when you remember your “why” and keep your chin up because your home is coming!

06 — Once the offer is accepted…

Your team (realtor, lender, processors, home inspector, title rep, and appraiser) all come together to help keep you on your timeline and get you to the closing table. If you have questions, ASK! There is a lot coming at you at that time, and your team is there to represent you and make sure you are in the know.

07 — Move in and start making memories!

Want to see what’s for sale in NW Indiana?

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No matter the direction, I’ll get you home.


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